Yoonsang Lee



lysianthus at snu.ac.kr
Google Scholar

NowSee, Real-time Weather Community

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Nowadays, taking a look at weather forecasts and starting the day is a part of our daily routines. However, weather forecasts are not always perfectly reliable. This summer, the weather app in iPhone consistently showed a question mark with a blurred umbrella: frequent, short rains were unable to predict and varied even between adjacent areas. Also, hazardous weather conditions occasionally call for more than just weather statistics. These weather-related topics frequently come up in people’s conversations.

Therefore, we offer NowSee, an everyday, real-time weather community. Our service asks users to complete fast and simple surveys about weather conditions. In return, our service users can:

  1. View real-time weather statistics
    Once users select a region, the weather statistics (the weather status and its degree) will be displayed. These statistics are updated with real-time data collected from user weather reports.
  2. Look around live weather feeds
    Once users have chosen a location and radius on the map, our service provides a live weather feed of the selected region. Users can easily filter posts by searching for a custom keyword or navigate to the Hashfeed, which displays all posts that include a certain hashtag.
  3. Create weather posts
    Users can also contribute to the weather feeds by making new posts; posting comments and pictures of the weather condition. The posts are tagged with their corresponding location and given hashtags. Users can also reply to a particular post, which will be chained to the original post.

User Interface (Selected)

Main Page


Area Feed


Hash Feed


Frontend Design


MVC Architecture